Uncanny Books

This blog, Tales from the Bookworm’s Lair, has and always will be about my love of books. Mostly, I publish book reviews here, and don’t plan to change that. On occasion, I’ve also posted book-related comedy stuff I’ve encountered, notes about sales and coupons from publishers and book retailers, interviews with authors, bragging about book acquisitions, etc. I’ll continue to do that. But I do want to make an announcement here, because, well, it’s my blog and I can do that. It’s also a book-related announcement, so it’s not exactly out of place.

I have formed a small publishing company, called Uncanny Books. I plan to focus on publishing quality genre literature, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, and pulps. A lot of this fiction will be entirely new works that have never seen the light of day, but some will be what I’m calling “Uncanny Books Classics,” works that have fallen into the public domain but that are not widely available (or available electronically at all, in many cases). Needless to say, I’m excited about this new venture. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time, and it feels great now that I’ve founded the company.

I’ve also got my first open call for novels. The submission period begins on July 15, 2013 and ends on September 15, 2013. Out of these submissions I hope to publish one or more books that can become the kernel of shared worlds that other authors can explore (think series like Thieves World, Wild Cards, and so forth).

Please feel free to visit the new Uncanny Books website at http://uncannybooks.com/
The open call for novels page can be found at http://uncannybooks.com/submission-guidelines/
And please follow Uncanny Books at Twitter: https://twitter.com/UncannyBooks